
Hello! My name is Saumya, a sixteen year old girl from India. I love coffee, books, tennis, and baking. My quintessential comfort day would be; me snuggled up with a book and a mug of strong coffee. So I know how it feels like when you’re in the mood for that kind of comfort day, but can’t find the right book. That’s what my blog can help you with. It’s about the books I have read, and what I think about them. It’s like my book review diary. Occasionally, I might even post some of the poems and stories I have written.

Story time:

I hated reading when I was younger. My parents had to force me to read five pages of a book before going to sleep every day, and I remember it used to feel like torture! Then one day, my dad came up to me holding the first Harry Potter book, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.” “Read a few chapters, and if you don’t like it, you can stop,” he told me. I remember throwing a huge fuss about reading the Harry Potter series, but once I started, I couldn’t stop. I transformed from a girl who used to hate reading to one who finished books in two days. So that’s where my love for reading began, and to this date, the Harry Potter series is my all-time favorite.

So, I decided to start writing this blog to help you find books that interest you and maybe be the one that starts your reading journey!